EngineNew Features

Documentation of Onesait Platform elements

We have included a new functionality in version 5.0.0-Renegade with which we intend to support the work of documenting a system that has been built on Onesait Platform. Through the Platform’s own ControlPanel, you will be able to generate documentation on all the elements of the Platform itself, both in web format and in PDF or Word.

The documentation will also generate a layered architecture diagram (Ingest, Knowledge, Publish, etc.), including the elements of:

  • Ingest: DataFlow (pipelines), Digital Clients, Kafka Topics, Digital Twins.
  • Processing: FlowEngine, BPM.
  • Persistence: Entities.
  • Knowledge: Notebooks.
  • Publish: APIs, Dashboards.

How does it work?

The functionality can be used in two ways:

  • Documentation associated with a project/application: in this case, all the elements of the Platform are documented (Entities, Clients, APIs, Dashboards, Notebooks, Flows, etc.) that are associated with an application/project developed on the Platform itself.
  • General documentation by concepts: suitable for those more general cases where the concepts are not associated with a specific project or where you want to document concepts in a more general way.

Documentation per application

If you choose the option to generate documentation by application, the following screen allows you to choose the application to document:

Next, you go to a concept selector organized by categories where you can check/uncheck those for which you want to obtain documentation:

Online documentation

Once all the concepts to be documented have been checked, the documentation is generated in web format, showing a general diagram and organizing each type of concept in a tab:


You can also generate a summary of the documentation:


When the documentation is generated, it is stored on the Platform, so that it is possible to query it, download it in PDF or Word format, or compare it with other documentation on the same project to see project progress between two different dates.

As we can see, this functionality is very useful to manage the evolution of the Product or Project in which you are working. This and many other new features are available in version 5.0.0-Renegade of Onesait Platform, so go on, update your environment!

Header image: vnwayne fan at Unsplash

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