CE Helm Charts in Onesait Platform
As you probably know by now, the Onesait Platform Community Edition is the Open Source version of our software, which we have published in our GitHub repository for free and completely free of charge.

Docker images with this code already packaged and ready for deployment, are also publicly available on Docker HUB.

Many of you have written to us asking us to publish the necessary resources to make a correct deployment of Onesait Platform CE. Therefore, we have published in ArtifactHUB a number of Helm Charts that help us with the deployment of the base modules of Onesait Platform CE, as well as creating all the necessary resources for it.

The easiest way to run these Helm Charts is to add them directly to the Rancher (or Openshift) catalog, and operate them from the same Rancher interface.

This will allow the deployment of the Onesait Platform CE modules in a visual and simple way from the Rancher user interface.

YouTube | Release 3.0.0 Feature – Charts Helm for Onesait Platform CE