CPS-PSAP112 — Intelligent technology at the service of citizen emergencies
Today we want to talk about a past project, from the times of SOFIA2, because we think you might find it interesting, as it is very applicable today.
The project «Drones, eCall and Cyber Physical Systems for Public Safety Answering Points 112» (abbreviated as CPS-PSAP112) aims to incorporate and accelerate the introduction of new technologies such as eCall, IoT and VANT or drones, in a safe and controlled way from the point of view of a 112 emergency center (European Union emergency telephone number).
This Project uses the SOFIA2 Platform for 112’s emergency centres. It includes the development and integration of new external information interfaces, such as drones and the eCall system, aiming to incorporate new services in crisis and accident management.

This way, the SOFIA2 platform will be prepared for the new European market requirements and standards prompted by the emergency centres or «Public Safety Answering Points» (PSAP 112).
We explore the SOFIA2 Platform’s adaptability to develop new search and rescue (SAR) protocols, at both a national and a European level, to support the field work of human teams, to allow decision making and to improve real-time synchronization between the Emergency Operations Centre and the immediate response teams.

Sending drones as an added value and capturing images on the ground that are sent to the Platform in real time both allow the immediate evaluation of the situation, optimizing the use of the emergency services and enabling them to adapt to the various crisis scenarios.

CPS-PSAP112 has been developed with the collaboration of Answare Technologies and CENTIC (Technological Centre of Information and Communication Technologies of the Region of Murcia, after the Spanish acronym).
It had been financed within the European Horizon 2020 project CPSELabs which is part of the European initiative Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE), and has been chosen by the Commission as the best of the 23 developed in CPSELabs thanks to its impact on society.