
Deploying nginx to Kubernetes

nginx is a fairly lightweight, high-performance, open source web server/reverse proxy, which has grown over time as an HTTP cache, load balancer, and email proxy as well. Its potential lies in being able to work with a large number of connections at a high speed, something that makes it hold 20% of the web server market share.

Its operation is based on not creating new processes for each web request it receives, but instead using an asynchronous event-based approach, where requests are handled in a single thread.

As we can imagine, this is of great interest, so let’s see how we can deploy nginx through a Kubernetes container.

Choosing a Docker image

There are several options available, but the two most widespread are the following ones:


This Docker Hub image is the generic and main one. If we have an environment with Docker orchestration, this will be the best option to be able to work, since it is the easiest to use. On the other hand, if we use Kubernetes, this image can give us several problems, especially due to permissions working in Openshift environments.

In the latter case, no image can be run as root users, and by default the nginx image runs as root. Besides, its initial configuration file uses port 80, which will no longer be available since we need user permissions to use it.


This image comes preconfigured to run on Kubernetes environments and, thanks to its default configuration, it is perfect for Openshift environments.

For this post, we will focus on this image.

bitnami/nginx configuration

We will start from the «bitnami/nginx:latest». Podemos ejecutarlo de manera sencilla con el siguiente comando: 

Docker run --name nginx -p 8080:8080 bitnami/nginx:latest 

By accessing the url «http://localhost:8080», we can see our nginx home page:

To create our configurations, we must create our «nginx.conf» file and mount it on top of our container. We have several options:

Modifying the default configuration (nginx.conf)

We can modify the default configuration of our nginx server by modifying the main file, «nginx.conf», located in «/opt/bitnami/nginx/conf/nginx.conf».

This file by default has a content similar to the following one:

# Based on https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/start/topics/examples/full/#nginx-conf 

# user              www www;  ## Default: nobody 

worker_processes  auto; 
error_log         "/opt/bitnami/nginx/logs/error.log"; 
pid               "/opt/bitnami/nginx/tmp/nginx.pid"; 
events { 
    worker_connections  1024; 
http { 
    include       mime.types; 
    default_type  application/octet-stream; 
    log_format    main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] ' 
                       '"$request" $status  $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" ' 
                       '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"'; 
    access_log    "/opt/bitnami/nginx/logs/access.log"; 
    add_header    X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN; 
    client_body_temp_path  "/opt/bitnami/nginx/tmp/client_body" 1 2; 
    proxy_temp_path        "/opt/bitnami/nginx/tmp/proxy" 1 2; 
    fastcgi_temp_path      "/opt/bitnami/nginx/tmp/fastcgi" 1 2; 
    scgi_temp_path         "/opt/bitnami/nginx/tmp/scgi" 1 2; 
    uwsgi_temp_path        "/opt/bitnami/nginx/tmp/uwsgi" 1 2; 
    sendfile           on; 
    tcp_nopush         on; 
    tcp_nodelay        off; 
    gzip               on; 
    gzip_http_version  1.0; 
    gzip_comp_level    2; 
    gzip_proxied       any; 
    gzip_types         text/plain text/css application/javascript text/xml application/xml+rss; 
    keepalive_timeout  65; 
    ssl_protocols      TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3; 
    ssl_ciphers        HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5; 
    client_max_body_size 80M; 
    server_tokens off; 
    include  "/opt/bitnami/nginx/conf/server_blocks/*.conf"; 
    # HTTP Server 
    server { 
        # Port to listen on, can also be set in IP:PORT format 
        listen  8080; 
        include  "/opt/bitnami/nginx/conf/bitnami/*.conf"; 
        location /status { 
            stub_status on; 
            access_log   off; 
            deny all; 

As we can see in the file, within the http, we have the «include» instruction for all the files located in the path «/opt/bitnami/nginx/conf/server_blocks/*.conf» and we can also include different locations automatically to the main server on port 8080, by adding the files on the path «/opt/bitnami/nginx/conf/bitnami/*.conf».

Adding location to the default server

Different locations can be added simply by adding files to the path «/opt/bitnami/nginx/conf/bitnami/*.conf». Here you have an example:

location /my-endpoint { 

proxy_pass http://my-service:8080; 

proxy_set_header X-request_uri "$request_uri"; 

proxy_set_header Host $http_host; 

proxy_read_timeout 120; 


This file would be placed in «/opt/bitnami/nginx/conf/bitnami/my_server.conf» and automatically, at startup, will redirect us to the selected service when accessing the url:


Adding different servers (server_blocks)

So as to add different «server_blocks», if we keep the original configuration file «nginx.conf», we can create the different servers by creating different files in the path «/opt/bitnami/nginx/conf/server_blocks/*.conf». The following could be an example:

server { 

  listen 8443; 
  server_name "dev-caregiver.cwbyminsait.com"; 
  add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000" always; 
  location /my-endpoint { 
    proxy_pass http://my-service:8080; 
    proxy_set_header X-request_uri "$request_uri"; 
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host; 
    proxy_read_timeout 120; 


This file will be placed in «/opt/bitnami/nginx/conf/server_blocks/my_server_block.conf» and automatically, at startup, will create a new port bound to this new server. Now we can access this new endpoint through the route:


How to deploy bitnami/nginx in Kubernetes

First we will need to create a new deployment:

kind: Deployment 
apiVersion: apps/v1 
  name: nginx-balancer 
    app: nginx-balancer 
    app.kubernetes.io/name: nginx-balancer 
    app.kubernetes.io/instance: nginx-balancer 
    app.kubernetes.io/component: nginx-proxy 
    app.kubernetes.io/part-of: nginx-balancer 
  replicas: 1 
      app: nginx-balancer 
        app: nginx-balancer 
        - resources: 
              cpu: 100m 
              memory: 250Mi 
              cpu: 50m 
              memory: 50Mi 
              port: 8080 
            initialDelaySeconds: 20 
            timeoutSeconds: 5 
            periodSeconds: 10 
            successThreshold: 2 
            failureThreshold: 3 
              path: / 
              port: 8080 
              scheme: HTTP 
            initialDelaySeconds: 20 
            timeoutSeconds: 5 
            periodSeconds: 10 
            successThreshold: 1 
            failureThreshold: 5 
          name: nginx-balancer 
            - name: 8443tcp84432 
              containerPort: 8443 
              protocol: TCP 
            - name: 8080tcp8080 
              containerPort: 8080 
              protocol: TCP 
          imagePullPolicy: Always 
          image: 'bitnami/nginx:latest' 
      restartPolicy: Always

Now that we have already created our original deployment, we can start adding our server blocks and the different locations that we want.

To create the server block, we must create a volume and link it to the path «/opt/bitnami/nginx/conf/server_blocks». To do this, first we will create a «Config Map» that we will later mount on the previous deployment.

kind: ConfigMap 
apiVersion: v1 
  name: server-block-map 
  my_server_block.conf: | 
    ########################### SERVER BLOCK #################### 
    server { 
        listen 8443; 
        add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000" always; 
        location /my-endpoint { 
            proxy_pass http://my-service:8080; 
            proxy_set_header X-request_uri "$request_uri"; 
            proxy_set_header Host $http_host; 
            proxy_read_timeout 120; 
  other_server_block.conf: | 
    ######### OTHER SERVER #######....

Then we must make the following changes to our original deployment:

  1. Add our volume from the Config Map.
  2. Mount the volume on top of the servers directory.

        - name: config-servers 
            name: server-block-map 
            defaultMode: 484 
          - name: config-servers 
            mountPath: /opt/bitnami/nginx/conf/server_blocks 

This way, we will already have our nginx service configured. We can check it by accessing the nginx container and making a request to:


Easy and simple, right? If you have any questions, leave us a comment.

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