Integration of Nuxeo as a document and content manager
Among the projects we tackle from Onesait Platform, we have detected that many of them require advanced document and content management, which cannot be covered by the File Repository.
For this reason, over the last quarter we have been working on integrating the Nuxeo platform to provide a new document and content management module together with the rest of the Onesait Platform components. This new functionality is available from version 6.3.0-Yoshi of the Platform.
Like the rest of the Onesait Platform components, it will be provided as an integrated part, accessible from the Control Panel and with transparent management of users and roles through integration with the Identity Manager.

About Nuxeo
Nuxeo is a freely licensed, Java-based, open standards-based, enterprise-scale content management system for Windows and Unix-like operating systems. It is designed for users who require a high degree of modularity and scalable performance.
Its features include:
- Document management.
- Web content management.
- Versioning at repository level.
- Records management.
- Image management.
- Integrated publishing.
- Workflow based on jBPM.
- Searches implemented with Lucene engine.
- Decentralised servers.
- Multi-language support.
- Portable application packaging.
- Multi-platform support (Windows, Linux, Solaris, Mac OS).
- Web browser-based graphical interface.
- Desktop integration with Microsoft Office and Apache OpenOffice.
- Clustering support.
Header Image: Beatriz Pérez Moya at Unsplash