New Features

Identity Manager improvements over Keycloak

As from Release 6.0.0-Vegas Keycloak is our only Identity Manager, in this version 6.1.0 of Onesait Platform certain functionalities have been implemented in Keycloak that until now we only had in our basic Identity Manager.

Let’s take a look at what these improvements consist of.

New user registration

The registration of new users has been implemented through a registration form. To activate this registration, it must be done by a user with the role of ‘administrator’ of the Platform, as it is not enabled by default.

The pattern required for the password can be configured with the environment variable ‘PASSWORD_PATTERN’, which by default is the following: ‘(?=^.{10,255}$)((?=.\W+))(?!(?=.[A-Z])(?=.[a-z])(?=.[-@#!;_?$%^&+=.]).$’.

Password Reset

The functionality to reset the password via email has been implemented.

Improvements in error display

The display of errors related to the registration of new users has been improved.

User lockout after multiple retries

The functionality has been implemented to lock a user in case of reaching the maximum number of retries in the login. The limit is configurable with the variable ‘MAX_FAILED_ATTEMPTS’ and by default it is five.

Header Image: King’s Church International at Unsplash.

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